Arizona Board of Regents approves 2023-24 tuition and fees, growth rates for next five years
Tuition and fees for Arizona’s public universities approved by the board today for the 2023-24 academic year demonstrate a commitment to keep increases low for Arizona students and families. The board also approved tuition growth rates for the next five years that reflect a new multi-year tuition setting structure to increase cost predictability for resident students at Arizona’s public universities.
The new multi-year structure includes setting maximum tuition growth rates for a six-year period with the board revisiting tuition every four years thereafter. The new structure also provides a lever for the board to suspend any announced tuition increases if the state of Arizona increases General Fund appropriations by a similar amount for the universities.
For two consecutive years during 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, the board and university presidents did not increase resident tuition to ensure higher education at Arizona’s public universities remained accessible for students during economic challenges brought about from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Tuition rates for the 2023-24 academic year reflect modest growth as do maximum growth rates for the next five years. Our hope is for increased multi-year funding from the state so we can hold the line on tuition increases for students and families,” said ABOR Chair Lyndel Manson. “Our students are increasingly challenged with rising inflation, housing costs and being able to afford college. Increased funding from the state will help more Arizona students realize their college dreams and contribute to our state’s workforce needs.”
Several initiatives and programs are improving access for students. Arizona’s public universities offer robust financial aid for students, collectively providing more than $1 billion in institutional gift aid. The board’s Arizona Promise Program also covers tuition and fees for low-income resident students.
Sarah Harper, 602-229-2542, 602-402-1341 | Sarah.K.Harper@azregents.edu
Julie Newberg, 602-229-2534 | julie@mogollonenv.com